I receive many questions about how we should invest as insurance agents to get to the next level. 

I share a few of the things that I think will help you during your journey as an insurance agent.


First off, CRM’s are so important. If you’re looking to scale, close more deals, or improve your productivity, you need to invest in a CRM. Essentially, CRM is a Customer Relationship Management software that gathers information, improved customer service, and a list of other services. 

Business Cards

Business cards are not dying yet. If you don’t have a business card, you should get one. If you’re going door to door, it’s important that you have something to leave with your clients so they can quickly contact you. 

Business Card Magnets

Better yet, if you do face to face with clients often, you NEED to get Business Card Magnets. I had them when I was an agent going door to door, and being able to put them on the fridge when I KNOW they won’t lose them is critical. Even still, I receive calls from clients who have my magnets on their fridge.


Marketing is extremely potent; if you’re not buying leads or marketing services, you need to be doing this yourself. Marketing is extremely beneficial to invest in yourself. Social media and leads will allow you to consistently get in front of enough people to hit your appointment number. 

Marketing and remarketing will allow you to connect to your warm market, cold market, cold calling, businesses, and chambers within your area.


Arguably, prospecting and getting in front of enough people is one of the hardest things an agent faces. Make sure to check out my training class, Prospecting 101, at


Creating a website that will keep up with your long-term goals will increase your digital presence investment. SEO and a great online storefront can boost organic traffic, visibility, and raise tomorrow’s dollar.

Time and Energy

I make an effort to read books relating to my field and help me get where I want to go. I will listen to audiobooks, podcasts, but take the time to learn something new. By filling your mind with knowledge, you can use while you’re fact-finding with clients.


Some of the biggest blessings I’ve received are when I take risks and don’t worry about the outcome or what might happen. Think quicker, decide faster, and sometimes just do it. 

My Power Five

Joining the 5 am club every morning helps me get up, get going, and thus get on with the day. By working out, I have a better likelihood of having positive energy throughout the day. I write down goals that I want to achieve to keep my mind focused. I try to make sure that each day I am learning something new. 

Let me know in the comments what you thought! Check out the full video here!