Are you an insurance agent who struggles converting insurance leads into sales?

Harvard Business Review did a case study covering three years, 15,000 unique internet leads, and over 100,000 calls, they found this:

How many times are you contacting people? Are you persistent? What are you doing during your phone calls?

Many times people are paying for leads, and often agents do not follow up with their leads. 

By the time you’ve hit your sixth point of contact, you open your chances of contact to a 90% success rate. 

Download my FREE E-Book so that you can access my 12 Point Follow Up System.

One of my top secrets is TRIPLE dialing. Utilizing various numbers to contact people will increase your answer rate. You need to have conversations with leads versus just having leads. Leads are an opportunity to make a sale – but not a guaranteed sale. 

Changing up the times that you call your leads is essential. If you only call at 3 pm and they never answer – they might be unavailable. Calling at various points during the day will increase making contact.

Using these tips will help you convert leads into sales. Remember, 80% of sales happen between the fifth to twelfth point of contact. Work hard, and I know you will find success.