you are your own brand

I started putting videos on YouTube covering insurance advice in 2015. Quickly, an audience grew and made an impact on insurance agents with my skills. When I doubled down and focused on my goals, I knew the results would pay off when I got to the other side. I began put money into advertising and […]


7 Traits of Successful Agents

How far are you willing to go to be successful? If you follow and put these seven things into action, you will reap the rewards. I am sharing with you seven different traits of highly successful insurance agents. Willing to Take Risks Successful people are willing to bet on themselves.   The Ability to Put In […]


an image with text that says 5 books all insurance agents should and a picture of cody askins.

For anyone that is looking to be better or to think bigger, I am detailing my favorite books that I have either read or listened to. I wholeheartedly believe in self-improvement, personal development, and working to be my best self. I urge you to take the information within the books and use the data to […]

Close more insurance sales with these tonality tips

An image of a phone on a desk with a hand dialing numbers.

Any telesales manager will tell you tonality matters when making insurance sales calls. But just sounding incredibly energetic the whole time isn’t going to cut it. You have to know when to add inflection into your voice and when to bring a more serious tone to the phone call. How can you practice this part […]

Habits of a successful insurance agent

an image of a man sitting in a chair with a laptop on his lap. He is looking away and smiling.

We all want to be a successful insurance agent. However, not everyone is practicing the proper daily habits to accomplish their goals. One of the obvious ones is a good work ethic. You obviously have to put in the time to prospect, call the prospects, closing deals, and maintaining the relationships. Let’s look at the […]

Pre-AEP Medicare sales tip for Medicare agents

an image of a road sign that says "open enrollment ahead." The sign is just before a curve in the road. There is beautiful fall foliage all around.

There are a couple of things you can do to prepare for and improve your AEP Medicare sales. Preparation is going to be key as there is seemingly a gold rush for Medicare. More and more insurance agents are wanting to sell Medicare because of the growing number of 65-year-olds. So, to get a leg […]

Should a new insurance agent hire an appointment setter?

an image of a man on the phone, writing in a notebook.

New insurance agents ask all the time whether it would make sense for them to hire an appointment setter. There is a simple answer to this question: if you can see that it will help, then yes. It is ultimately going to come down to a math problem. First, you’re going to need to have […]

How to brand yourself as an insurance agent

an image of a man showing you his t-shirt. the t-shirt says "you are your own brand."

When it comes to how to brand yourself as an insurance agent, a lot of agents don’t think it is important. That’s right, many agents either don’t take it seriously or aren’t exactly sure where to begin. It’s importance is clear when you think about it: Website design, marketing materials, even the header on the […]

Make more insurance sales through self-discipline

an image of a man drawing on large pieces of paper that look to be like building plans.

In the insurance sales world, it is imperative that agents are self-starters and keep their foot on the gas. Going 100 percent every day is not easy, however, and sometimes the drive just isn’t there some days. Cody Askins has three rules he uses to help with his self-discipline:   Write down your insurance sales […]

Objections and why you’re getting them

Objections? We can help!

Do you get a lot of objections when you call your insurance leads? Are they typically the same ones over and over? Then it may not be a coincidence. Many insurance agents are quick to blame a lead vendor when it comes to their lack of sales when it comes to insurance leads. However, if […]