Piece by piece, I’m giving you one rebuttal that will overcome ALMOST every single objection.

When you don’t know what to say, you pause and hesitate, that’s when you end up losing the control of the call. So stick with me, and this will help you with EVERY single objection you might ever receive. 

So first, I start with the TRIPLE A’s. 

Agree -We do not want to be disagreeable, and we have time to think for an objection.

Answer – Answer the rebuttal  .

Ask – Ask a question.

If you pause in the middle of your calls, build one single rebuttal until you can develop other rebuttals, so you’re not pausing, you’re not thinking, and your confidence level is up. 


I agree. Thank you for sharing that with me. Since you requested this information, it’s my job to get it to you, but it’s up to you with what you do with it. I’ll actually be out in your area on x day, would the morning or the afternoon work better for you? 

This script works for: 

To watch me work through all of these rebuttals, make sure to view this video. I like to keep it super simple because you are more likely to forget when you overcomplicate things. I like to spin the openings to make sure this works for each objection. Let me know if you have another objection and make sure to keep it simple. 

I hope this helps!