Insurance agency growth strategies aren’t as complicated as you think.

Today, we’ll look at what you can start doing today to begin building your team and recruit insurance agents.

Three insurance agency growth strategies

There are three easy ways to start attracting more insurance agents to come to work for you:

  1. Lead by example
  2. Online posting
  3. Internship opportunities

This is essentially all Cody Askins has done to grow his seven insurance-related businesses.

Lead by example

There’s nothing more harmful to office morale than a boss who practices the “Do as I say, not as I do” philosophy. And if your current staff isn’t impressed by your leadership, trying to build your agency will be like trying to build a house of cards on an unstable table.
So, if you’re telling your staff to stay late, you better burn the midnight oil too. As the leader of the office, you have a responsibility to your team. You show your team what is possible by your actions.
When you don’t lead by example, your team loses trust and respect in you. It will become nearly impossible for your team to work together successfully. Anyone you hire will likely have a hard time staying on board.
If you want to lead by example you need to apply these things to your behavior:

Online posting

Popular online job boards are the way to go and quite possibly one of the best insurance agency growth strategies.
Lots of them allow you to set standards you need to have for your candidates and filter out the people who don’t meet those requirements. You can also measure your recruiting results.
Here are some not-so-obvious things you should include in your job postings:

And be sure to be truthful in your ad, especially on the culture. You don’t want the job-seeker to be expecting your office to be all fun and games and then be shocked when you have a job come in and everything is intense.

Internship opportunities

College students are always looking for a way to get their foot in the door. But, how can you attract them?
You can start by asking college professors. A professor will be able to recommend the best students and you can approach those students using the professor as a middleman.
Or, offer something extra. You can help them build your resume or any number of things to help them be successful when they graduate. Offer to bring them to networking opportunities. Think outside the box.

Hopefully, we’ve helped you think of some new things or techniques to help you build your agency. If you need advice specifically tailored to your situation, we have mentoring programs at affordable prices.