Objections and why you’re getting them

Objections? We can help!

Do you get a lot of objections when you call your insurance leads? Are they typically the same ones over and over? Then it may not be a coincidence. Many insurance agents are quick to blame a lead vendor when it comes to their lack of sales when it comes to insurance leads. However, if […]

Questions to ask insurance prospects

an image of two women having a conversation.

If you want to close more of your insurance prospects, you have to ask the right questions. We have shot tons of insurance sales videos on how to ask questions to gain control of the call and get the answers you want. During your presentation phase of an appointment, whether on the phone or in […]

Cross-selling insurance tips and tricks

an image of two hands, shaking one another.

Cross-selling insurance is a fantastic way to add additional revenue as an agent. By selecting the correct products for your main product’s demographic, you can attack the book of business you have already built instead of having to prospect other clientele. And, if you present the additional product correctly, it won’t sound like a sales […]

Effective sales voicemails you should be using

an image of a person looking at a smart phone.

Should you be implementing sales voicemails? Absolutely. According to, 80% of calls go to voicemail, and 90% of first-time voicemails are never returned. Why? It’s because most voicemails that insurance agents leave are either: Too long Ineffective Not followed-up So, to help you clean up your sales voicemails, we’re going to look at scripts […]

Insurance sales tip: How to sell higher premiums

an image of a finger tapping a touch screen.

Here’s an insurance sales tip to all of you who have trouble selling higher premiums: show higher prices first. One problem agents have is “selling out of their own wallet” and thinking of how much they’d pay for a policy. Don’t assume they can’t afford it. They know how much they can pay. Think about […]

Insurance Sales Training: Turn Attention into Sales

an image from the perspective of someone holding a smart phone. Instagram is on the phone's display.

If there’s one thing we could stress in every insurance sales training event or video we do it’s that you need to be trying to grab attention. How can you do this? Consistent content online. Ideally, this would be video as it has become the king of content. However, whatever you do needs to be […]

Insurance agents: This will help you stop fearing the phone

an image of a man looking at an iMac computer while he is holding a cell phone to his ear.

Too many insurance agents are afraid of picking up the phone to call prospects. Think of all the tools at your disposal that can help you prospect, set appointments, make sales, and do customer service. What is the first thing that popped in your mind? I’ll bet the majority of you thought of your phone. […]

How to close insurance sales with four steps

an image of two men, sitting at a table, having a conversation.

When you break down how to close insurance sales, the focus is truly to build value. To do this, we go through four steps: Show five benefits Ask eight questions Present three options Ask for the business The eight questions are sprinkled amongst the other three steps. However, let’s look at each of the other […]

Sales prospecting technique: Rolling 100

an image of a man and a women. Both are holding a cup of coffee and having a pleasant conversation.

We developed our “Rolling 100” sales prospecting technique after finding a poll on an insurance forum on which 80% of insurance agents said “finding enough people” to pitch was the hardest thing about selling insurance. Which makes sense because prospecting is easily the thing we are asked about more than anything else. So, what is […]

How to sell life insurance successfully (or any insurance)

an image of a man sitting at a table with a laptop in front of him.

One of the reasons 92% of insurance agents fail and never figure out how to sell life insurance successfully, or any other insurance for that matter, is their lack of confidence. They don’t always believe they’ll make the sale. I’ve always said, “If I believe I’ll make the sale more than the prospect believes I […]