I started putting videos on YouTube covering insurance advice in 2015. Quickly, an audience grew and made an impact on insurance agents with my skills. When I doubled down and focused on my goals, I knew the results would pay off when I got to the other side.

I began put money into advertising and marketing to invest back in my company. Suddenly I needed to grow my team to manage the needs of the business. After hiring more talented people, I delegated tasks, so I fine-tuned my expertise and brand.

I realized that I found more joy helping someone else make sales than when I made a sale. I knew that betting on myself and my company would take me where I wanted to go next. I created 8% Nation to widen the spectrum of agents who I was serving. I became a thought leader in the insurance agent training world.

My inspiration behind my YouTube content is that I love having a personal brand, and I love assisting others. Being consistent with my video content, no matter what it looked like, held me accountable for the goals I set for myself.

When I find my passion, stay active, and work towards my goals, creativity flows out of me.

What do you do to build a personal brand?